The beginning of Blend
Our group started just like any other; small and desperate for a developer. Our cafe went through many iterations, and consisted of cooking systems which would you would have to walk in to.
Our group started just like any other; small and desperate for a developer. Our cafe went through many iterations, and consisted of cooking systems which would you would have to walk in to.
Our Christmas Awards was the event that sparked Blend off. We had our entire community together in one facility, along with other communities from our alliances. SizzleBurger won the Best Alliance award!
The release of V3 was great, and showcased many of our systems that we were working on for a few months! While we had these systems on-hand, it wasn't the best and was later replaced by Blend V4 after a whole year of service.
The release of V4 was amazing, and is by far the best cafe Blend has ever had thanks to its developers. Our V4 consists of interactive systems in mind for our Low Rank team to use, an easy moderation system for our Middle Rank team, and housing and cars for our customers to use.
Blend V4 came with new food and cooking models, a whole new set of UIs, and optimized scripting. This also paved the way for our bot which runs majority of our services, Blenda! You might see her around on the Discord server.